ZGA | Zapiola Guerrico Abogados | Practice Areas – Worker’s Compensation
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Practice Areas – Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation

We provide integral assistance to Workers’ Compensation Insurers (ART) in all legal aspects associated with their activity. The following are worth highlighting:


– Analysis of loss coverage (labour contingencies) and drafting of legal communications addressed to workers, employers and the regulatory entity, related to the acceptance or rejection of the contingency.

– Representation and defence of the ART in all proceedings before the Medical Commissions, as well as the administrative and judicial challenge of their decisions throughout the country.

– Representation and defence of the ART in judicial processes throughout the country, both when it is sued directly and when it is summoned as an interested third party.


We have acted as legal defenders of the system since its beginnings in 1996. Moreover, we have a long experience in lawsuits filed under former workers’ compensation systems (Acts No. 9688, 23,643 and 24,028), which enables us to develop for each case the most appropriate defensive strategy, anticipating its evolution in all the stages of the process.

We have a broad experience in extraordinary appeals brought before the provincial Higher Courts and before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.


– Representation of the ART before the pertinent regulatory entities, especially the Superintendence of Occupational Hazards (SRT) and the National Superintendence of Insurance (SSN), regarding any proceedings linked with the activity.

-Representation and defence of the ART in administrative proceedings related to non-compliance of rules and regulations or workers’ claims.

– Drafting of contractual documents associated with the activity: agreements with subcontracted providers, specific agreements with employers, etc.

– Extrajudicial and judicial recovery procedure. We have a vast experience in managing recovery actions against third parties responsible for the contingency, including more complex lawsuits derived from great disability cases, or related to more specific responsibilities such as those of Social Welfare Plans, Road Toll Licensees or Manufacturers of defective machinery.