ZGA | Zapiola Guerrico Abogados | Pro Bono
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Pro Bono

Pro Bono

We see pro bono work as an additional aspect of our professional activity.As lawyers we are committed to our legal and institutional ecosystem and, hence, we usually take part in legal actions related to public interest matters.

We have acted in relevant strategic litigations lawsuits regarding political transparency and disability rights. Those cases have concluded with rulings that produced significant systemic impact.

We are members of the Red Pro Bono de la Comisión de Trabajo Pro Bono e Interés Público of the Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, from the very beginning of that organization in 2000.

Mr Zapiola Guerrico was part of the group of lawyers that worked in the creation of the Comisión and was his first president, until 2008.


As members of the Red Pro Bono, we provide legal representation to people in vulnerable situations, in cases that are derived from different Centros de Acceso a la Justicia (Centers for Access to Justice) of a network coordinated by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.


Our firm is a signatory of the Pro Bono Declaration of the Americas